Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dieting, Obesity, Anorexia....

So, France is moving to ban extreme thinness (France works to ban promoting extreme thinness). Will it work to combat the numbers of people who live with the reality of anorexia or bulimia?

I think that approach is a bit too simplistic. I also believe that it can't hurt. Those models look positively unhealthy and - to tell you the truth - positively unhappy. the problem is eating disorders, be they losing too much weight or gaining too much weight, are much more complex than this.

One of the problems is that no matter what you weigh, someone has a comment. Some people re thin and can't gain weight, even if they want to. While this may seem like nirvana to someone who is trying to lose weight, it's not a good thing for someone who is too skinny and isn't that way on purpose. Some people have just as hard a time gaining weight as others have losing it.

b5Media has a few good blogs that are geared towards eating and I think you may want to check them out. Breaking the Mirror is run by Angelique. She tackles the issues of anorexia. Weighting Line is a newcomer. Blogger Hope discusses the walk through weight loss.

Over at Eating Fabulous, Ruth discusses eating well and Jul writes about things all vegetarian over at Veggie Chic.


Marijke: nurse turned writer is listed on Check out the fancy logo link on in the right-hand side boxes. Thanks alltop and welcome to anyone who visits from there.

Today on Help My Hurt:

Ergonomics week continues: 4 types of RSIs
UK arthritis care program
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
I’m already seeing positive effects from Ergonomic Week
Physical activity may help reduce arthritis pain

News for Today:

Magnetic scan better way to diagnose heart attacks: U of C
Study alleges drug's [Vioxx] health risks not reported
France works to ban promoting extreme thinness
Obese women disadvantaged in both breast cancer treatment and diagnosis
Pregnant patients lose out in breast cancer treatment; a new approach is needed
Diabetic Eye Problem Linked to Heart Failure
Obesity Cited in Growth of Joint Replacement Surgery in Younger Patients


Jul said...

Hi Marijke! I didn't know about this blog till just now. Thanks for the link!

- Jul (of Veggie Chic)

Anonymous said...

Great information. It is sad that media promotes unrealistic expectations.