Friday, February 22, 2008

Seniors and chronic pain

It stands to reason that many seniors experience chronic pain because many tend to have disorders or illnesses that can contribute to pain. The issue isn't so much that they have it - it's what we need to do about it.

Did you know that, in Canada, seniors are expected to make up about one-quarter the population by the year 2031? People who are in pain are less able to contribute to society, less able to care for themselves and require more assistance from others.

As the population ages, there will be fewer people in caregiving roles who will have to give more care. The CBC has an article on chronic pain and the elderly. It's a bit of an eye opener if this isn't an issue you've yet thought about:

News for Today:
Chronic pain a big issue for seniors: StatsCan
Improvement in diabetes a positive side effect of obesity surgery
Strokes triple among middle-aged women in U.S.: study
1 in 4 Americans knows heart attack warning signs: CDC
Stroke more prevalent in United States than in Europe
A regular dip could benefit fibromyalgia sufferers

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