Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'll be back soon!

A shout-out to my regular readers and my new visitors. I know I've been absent, but I have a good reason: very, very busy.

Besides my regular freelance writing work, which is a full-time job in itself, I'm working a few days a week as an RN, doing some filling in while this place needs me. I feel guilty having the skills and knowledge and not using them "in the field" when we have such a bad nursing shortage.

And, if that's not enough, we're getting our house ready to put it up for sale and that's been way more work than I planned on. Cleaning, painting, decluttering, you name it, we're doing it. I was also working on a new project called Montreal on the Cheap. Fun, but time consuming.

Unfortunately, with all that, I've had to let a couple of things go for a bit, but I promise it won't be for much longer. Things are supposed to slow down once the house has it's for sale sign up, which we're hoping will be by next week.

In the meantime, if you'd like to check out my other health blogs, here's what I've been posting:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Feeling like a giant sometimes

This is a bit of a wander from my regular posts but it's something I need to ask because it's been bugging me for quite a while now. I just want to know if others feel the same way sometimes.

I'm not small, but I'm not overly tall or big. I'm just shy of 5'6" and could stand to lose about 15 pounds. When I'm with my own immediate family, I feel fine, but when I'm around other family members who are a good few inches shorter than I am, and one in particular, at least 50 pounds lighter, I feel like a huge hulking monster. Seriously.

I have a friend who is about 5'1" and I'd be surprised if she's much above 100 pounds. I hate standing and chatting next to her because I feel so huge - I always try to find a way to sit. She's petite and dainty. I'm not. But, like I said, I'm not really that big, I'm just a lot bigger than some of these people. But I feel so uncomfortable hulking over them the way I feel I am.

Is this weird? I just feel very self-conscious about it.


For today's news, one article that really caught my eye and posted about over at

What? Frequent sex and masturbation in 20s and 30s ups risk of prostate cancer?