Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday round up

I never did come back yesterday with another post - my apologies. Between being down and my work, I got busy and didn't get a chance to come back.

To make up for it, I found some videos that are really interesting, on several different topics.
If you visit Medical News Today, you can find lots of stuff.

This video is actually 7 shorter ones, only a couple of minutes each. The topics range from chronic pain, to acupuncture for migraines, to third degree burns. Have a look: Videos.

As for the news, you'll see by the first two stories, that the medical community is beginning to figure out that the team approach is often the best way to treat patients. Who'd have thought??

News for Today:
Team-based approach improves diabetes care
Team treatment for depression cuts medical costs
Elderly more likely to deny smoking when asked, says Case Western Reserve University researcher

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